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Karen language: “Our culture and traditions are our Karen’s identity” This Thuleikawwei Karen language environmental magazine covers environmental news, including feature articles, traditional medicine remedies, stories and traditional poems. This issu …
English language: In the face of immense challenges during this third year since the military coup and the escalation of armed conflict, the unwavering spirit and resilience of the Karen people endures. The resilience of the Karen people has been remar …
English, Karen and Burmese languages: Founded on generations of Indigenous Knowledge and local traditions, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities are combining their skills and experience to build their own Indigenous Community Conserved Territories. …
Karen language: “Sustaining our heritage through documentation of our biodiversity” Thuleikawwei Karen language environmental magazine covers news, research findings, in-depth interviews, feature articles, biographies and obituaries, traditional medici …
English language: This Community Based Livelihoods Initiatives (CBLI) Manual is built upon KESAN’s previously completed comprehensive livelihood interventions and experiences in communities. Particularly, it provides information on what CBLI is, why it …
Karen language: The book, the principle of Indigenous Karen People Wildlife Conservation highlights the Indigenous Karen ontology in terms of land, forest, and river including wildlife. The information in this book had been collected and documented, ai …
English language The ongoing conflict between Myanmar’s ruling military regime – the State Administration Council (SAC) – and the pro-democracy movement has not only accelerated environmental degradation but has also severely impacted the country’s eco …
Karen, English, Burmese: A case study analyzing forest cover change in the Thawthi Taw-Oo Indigenous Park (TTIP) was conducted in August 2022. Open-source time series data of tree canopy percentage and annual forest loss data from 2000 to 2021 were use …
English and Burmese: In the struggle for self-determination, which is inherent birthright alongside the right to connect with indigenous heritage, the vision of Thawthi Taw-Oo Indigenous Park emerges to protect ancestral lands, steward their environmen …
Karen language This training manual is a basic guide for local communities to have a better understanding of climate change and interrelated issues. This training manual is structured into five important chapters, and the first chapter introduces the d …