Karen Environmental and Social Action Network.
Empowering communities, securing peace, protecting environment, land and livelihood
KESAN is a community-based, non-governmental, non-profit organization that works to improve livelihood security and to gain respect for indigenous people’s knowledge and rights in Karen State of Burma, where the violence and inequities of more than 60 years of civil war have created one of the most impoverished regions in the world.
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Environmental and Cultural Exchange Camp
A Shared Vision and Commitment toward Environmental Stewardship and Cultural Preservation January 14-16, 2025 With concerted effort and coordination between the Salween Peace Park’s Governing Committee, the Mutraw District Karen Education and Culture Department (KECD), local communities and the Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN),…
Another action to keep the fish thrive
17, January 2025 Two villages, 𝐊𝐨𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐡 𝐊𝐞𝐞 and 𝐍𝐲𝐚 𝐏𝐞𝐡 𝐇𝐭𝐚, in Dwelo township, Mutraw district, Salween Peace Park, established a fish conservation area in the river near their villages to sustain the fish population and protect the biodiversity and livelihoods of current and future…
The Thawthi Taw-Oo Indigenous Park: the Birth of the Second Indigenous Karen Conserved Territory
After seven years of collective effort and dedication, on 10th December 2024, the Indigenous Karen peoples of Taw-Oo district, Kawthoolei, south-east Burma have finally declared their Indigenous community conserved territory called ‘Thawthi Taw-Oo Indigenous Park’ or TTIP. The three days long event, which started on 10th…
Statement on the Establishment of the Thawthi Taw Oo Indigenous Park and Ratification of the Thawthi Taw Oo Indigenous Park Charter
December 15th, 2024 From December 10-12, 2024, 1,500 Karen tribes such as K’nyaw Wah, Geba, Maw Nay Pwa, Paku, Mo Pwa, Bwe, and other ethnic nationalities from Taw Oo District of Kawthoolei have gathered to proudly celebrate the declaration of the Thawthi Taw Oo Indigenous Park…
The 5th General Assembly of the Salween Peace Park
“To assert our self-determination rights, we will keep working despite the challenges we face,” said Naw Paw Tha, member of SPP General Assembly. From December 18th to 21st, 2023, the 5th session of the General Assembly and the 2nd elections for the Governing Committee were convened…
Continue Reading The 5th General Assembly of the Salween Peace Park
SPP Statement on its 5th Session of the General Assembly and 2nd Elections
January 15, 2023 In the interest of advancing self-determination rights over their ancestral “territories of life”, culture and resources, Indigenous Karen communities of the Salween Peace Park (SPP) have successfully convened the 5th Session of its General Assembly as well as the 2nd election of the…
Continue Reading SPP Statement on its 5th Session of the General Assembly and 2nd Elections
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Empowering Communities to Protect the Environment, while Securing their Lands, Livelihoods and Peace