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Youth Get Involved in the Water and Food Sovereignty Sphere Under the pretext of Myanmar’s development, the Salween River has become a hot spot for profit-seeking investors. Their efforts continue without consideration of the future impacts that the pr …

In the Salween Peace Park, strong Indigenous governance and food sovereignty has been imperative in communities’ effective response to the current pandemic. Practicing traditional knowledge about the ‘use’ of natural resources through diverse agricultu …

On 14 March, in Karen State, ,thousands of ethnic people including ethnic Kachin, Ta’ang, Chin, Kuki, Danu, Shan, Pa’O, Intha, Karenni, Mon, Karen, and many more gathered on the banks of the Salween River to call for “No Large Dams on Any of Burma’s Ri …

While most corporations exploit the forest, the Karen use the forest sustainably. For the Karen, forest is central to their life. The Karen survive because of the forest and the forest survives because of the Karen. They rely on the forest and they tak …

In Taw-Oo District of Kawthoolei in Eastern Burma, there are many sub Karen ethnic groups. There are famous and beautiful legendary mountains and forests. The Karen indigenous people here have their own traditions that help preserve the natural environ …

From 17 to 24 November, 2019, two groups from west and south made the trip to the Salween Peace Park (SPP): Six representatives from Nagalim and 26 representatives from Southern Youth of Mergui-Tavoy District. The objective of both was to learn the Ind …

In 2004, they planned to designate this area as a Community Forest. However, due to the Burma Army’s brutal military offensive, the plan was not implemented. Now, four villages joined hand and successfully establish the first community forest. It is Lo …

“The forest is an invaluable treasure. Even if a person has a lot of money and can build hundreds of buildings, they cannot create a single leaf. So we must plant trees since we can breathe better because of them.” Every year, the 1st of July is celebr …

From generation to generation, the local people of Mergui -Tavoy District –commonly known as Paw Klo Area, Tanintharyi Region – have been drinking an herbal tea made of local roots which they believe gives them good health and energy. The local people …

Pawklo: Indigenous Karen Peoples’ Livelihoods and Land Rights Movement is a documentary film that features the efforts of Indigenous Karen communities living in K’Ser Doh Township to maintain their traditional livelihoods practices and preserve their a …