On this December 10, 2020, Human Rights Day, the chairperson of the Salween Peace Park Saw Paul Sein Twa sent an open letter to urge the government to take immediate action in resolving …
Karen indigenous rights defender receives Goldman environmental prize
December 1, 2020 We are proud to celebrate the awarding of the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize to Saw Paul Sein Twa, Kaw K’sa of the Salween Peace Park and founding member of …
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Indigenous Karen Wildlife Guardians of the Salween Peace Park
Recently, the Indigenous Karen people of the Salween River Basin have taken another step towards fulfilling this vision. The Indigenous Karen people in the Salween Peace are working …
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Big news – Save the date
Join us on Sept 29th as the Equator Prize will award the 2020 EquatorPrize to the Salween Peace Park of Kawthoolei , Karen State, Myanmar, winning in the category of NatureForClimate. …