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Despite the difficult circumstances faced in 2022, including heavy fighting following the military coup in 2021 and travel restrictions, KESAN has remained committed to supporting communities in Kawthoolei. Despite these challenges, our programs have been able to meet or exceed most of the goals outlined in our 2020-2022 strategic plan, while also providing essential humanitarian assistance to displaced individuals. Throughout the year, as armed conflict escalated, we witnessed the remarkable resilience of the Karen people and the success of community-led approaches in fostering self-reliance.
Initiatives such as the growth and development of rice bank systems, agroforestry, seed saving and exchange, upland farm productivity, livestock raising, and fish conservation are working towards greater indigenous food sovereignty and the development of resilient communities. After decades of war and displacement, KESAN has worked to revive indigenous ‘taboos’/ guidelines related to the use of forest resources, including traditional hunting rules, ancestral farming wisdom, and indigenous knowledge about resilience to environmental change and disasters. Despite the challenging context, KESAN continued its long-standing work with communities and the KNU to implement demarcation and zoning of customary Kaw lands and village boundaries, community land protection, and raise awareness of land rights and policies.
In 2022, by prioritizing the needs and motivations of local communities, KESAN has been able to continue community efforts to protect wildlife, biodiversity, forests, and livelihoods despite the challenging context.
Please read the full report for details.