The two-day training that focused on basic understanding of environment and its scopes, importance of water and forest, causes and effects of environmental degradation, community development and sustainable development, negative impacts of mining and dam, and Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC), was executed from November 12-13, 2014. A total of 38 training participants ( 20 females; 18 males) and they included high school students and teachers, and teachers and school committee from 12 primary schools in Ler Mu Lah Township attended. In addition to conducting environmental awareness and capacity building training, the Karen Student Network Group (KSNG), the local partner of KESAN organized the ‘Karen Internally Displaced Schools’ Fellowship’ event from November 12-14, 2014. The event has brought a total of 446 participants (46 teachers, 32 school committee members, 335 students, and 33 community leaders) from 13 different schools around Ler Mu Lah Township. The event aimed to build as well as strengthen fellowship among Karen IDP schools by empowering them to know and understand their rights to education, as well to become more aware of social and environmental destruction in Karen areas that resulted from the interventions of large-scale development projects during the peacebuilding process. During the three-day event, activities comprised of song contests, cultural drama performance, impromptu speech, and a number of sports activities (e.g. football, basket ball, etc).
Karen Student Fellowship and Environmental Awareness Training, Mergui-Tavoy District, Karen State