From October 29-31, 2014, a consultation workshop on the revised Kawthoolei Land Policy was organized by the Kawthoolei Agriculture Department (KAD) in collaboration with the Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) in Hpa-An District, Karen State, Burma/Myanmar. The aim of the workshop was to get inputs, comments and recommendation from people regarding KAD’s revised land policy so that the policy could be improved prior to official Karen National Union (KNU) approval. The KAD is one of the departments under the KNU. The workshop was attended by KAD officials from each district in Karen State. Representatives of other KNU departments also attended, including staff from the departments of Forestry, Mining, Fisheries, Livestock and Farming, Interior and Religious Affairs, as well as the Judiciary sector. Finally, there were representatives from several Karen community-based organizations. The original land policy was approved by the KNU in 2009. However, KAD decided to revise the policy because there were many thing that needed to be reviewed and added.
KAD’s consultation workshop to gather community input concerning KNU’s revised land policy