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From December 18th to 21st, 2023, the 5th session of the General Assembly and the 2nd elections for the Governing Committee were convened from December in Mutraw District/Salween Peace Park, Kawthoolei. The SPP General Assembly this year involved a spe …
From 28 to 30, December 2022, the 4th General Assembly of the Salween Peace Park was held in Mutraw District, Kawthoolei. Due to the increasing militarization of Burma Army and their arial attacks, this year assembly was conducted in the forest. Despit …
From the 20th to the 21st of December 2022, local leaders and communities came together to review their work plans and lay down future activities to move one step closer toward their vision: the formation of a community-led conservation area that cente …
Water is one the most valuable natural resources for the growth, survival, and well-being of humans, plants, and animals on this earth. Since water replenishes itself through the natural cycle, it is categorized as a renewable natural resource. Unfortu …
Nowadays, we are experiencing climate change and numerous natural disasters such as storms, irregular rain, floods, droughts, and and emerging diseases. In Karen State, we often experience floods that lead directly to crop destruction, pest and mice in …
For the first time in the history, the KNU’s Kawthoolei Land Committee organized a historical ceremony in Taw-Oo District to award the first certificates to five ‘Kaw’, a customary land governance system that practiced by Indigenous Karen communities. …
‘Protecting Myanmar’s Forests’ – This short film was presented at the COP-26 Climate Conference (in the Indigenous Peoples Pavilion) on 5 November 2021. It shows how Karen and Kachin indigenous peoples protect Burma’s forests against the military junta …
Rice is a staple food for Indigenous Karen people in Mutraw District, Karen State, Kawthoolei. Living in a mountainous region, the majority of people practice upland rotational farming. The impacts of climate change on regional weather have caused rice …
After the outbreak of the Covid -19 virus affecting many nations, Karen leaders, Karen community-based organizations and local Karen people in the Salween Peace Park of Mutraw District, Karen State, Kawthoolei in Eastern Burma carried out their own Cov …
When rains returned during June 2020, local fishermen noticed that the water in the Daw Lar Lake had turned black. This discolored water was found in the southwest part of the lake- between Kan Kalay and Kan Kyi Villages. Daw Lar Lake – which has obtai …